Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Kitty Litter Blues

After a dormant period, I have recently become obsessed with politics. I thought I would take a break. There are two articles posted on AZRepublics website today. They are both about seemingly disturbed people doing strange things with fire. The first article is about a Georgia man who after watching the movie "The Day After", is so inspired by the people lighting fires to stay alive, that he torches his house. (is it COLD this time of year in GEORGIA???) The second is about a woman in Washington so depressed by her smelly cat litter that she burns down her apartment.

I am a reluctant pet owner. I can relate to kitty litter hatred. My cat is huge and fat and has an over abundance of hair. I shudder whenever I look at his feet. I just know they are toilet feet. It is time for HIS BATH again. I have been informed by a very young veterinarian that CATS HATE WATER, as if this were a mystery only a select few were privy to. She seemed to feel it is abusive to bath your cat. I feel I am the one being abused while I am bathing the cat.
I not only have to deal with the rebellious wet cat, I have to listen to my now very, very, pregnant daughter who agrees initially that the cat does indeed need a bath, hysterically shrieking, "don't get water in his eyes!" "You are holding him down, don't hold him down!" "You aren't supposed to bath cats!", etc.

If I were REALLY deranged, I might use both of these articles. After watching "The Day After", I might become so inspired by the poor cold people burning things to stay alive that I might ignite the cat litter in an effort to stay warm (since it is so cold this time of year in Mississippi) The cat might decide to visit the ignited cat litter box. That would take care of all my cat problems. The litter would be clean, the cat would not need a bath and his hair quotient would be greatly reduced.

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