Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Got a fat dog? Don't let him sleep with you.

There is a study out there that suggests that if you diet with your pet, your weight loss results could be greater. The study was performed using over weight dogs with owners wanting to shed a few points. The study also states that the joint effort between human and pooch serves as a support system.

"The dogs seemed to be happier and lost weight as well. The dog owners did slightly better than the dieters who walked and dieted alone. Overall, people lost an average of 11 pounds, or 5 percent of their body weight, in the first four months and kept it off for the next eight. The most anyone lost was 51 pounds. But the diet was less onerous and more fun for the dog-walkers." API

There is also another study out there that suggests sleep deprivation can increase the risk for obesity. My own personal study shows that if I sleep with, near or around my pet, I become sleep deprived.

Maybe they should do another study, entitled, Will you lose as much weight in your joint pooch/human effort, if you then sleep with the dog?

Oh, I almost forgot. Want to know just HOW FAT that dog is anyway. Click here for a Dog BMI scale.

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