Sunday, February 06, 2005

Glade Plug-in Fire

Do you remember hearing Glade plugins could cause fires? How about the man that freed himself from an avalanche by peeing himself out. (sadly, I used that story) Did you see the Tsunamie pictures where crowds appeared to be watching the wave come in with cameras in hand, not running until the last minute? How about that email that claimed Starbucks was refusing to send free coffee to GIs in Iraq? And the ever circulating email about missing child Briana Hennigan, is she still missing? is a great website that contains facts about these stories, all were erroneous in some way. Briana Hennigan was recovered long ago. The man that peed to melt snow? Though it was a story run by national press, there is no record of the incident or of an avalanche during this time period.

1 comment:

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