Saturday, February 19, 2005

Pass this on to 10 people within 5 minutes and you will be never die, and your children will be beautiful and it will prove you love God .............

I hate chain mail. I appreciate the people who send it to me and know they are well intending. The letters usually start out with some positive, uplifting message. I appreciate that part. What I hate is the invariable end. Send this message within 30 minutes to be blessed or if you care, or love God enough or have faith, send this message to 10 friends.

I got one today and it started out stating "At the end of this story, it gives you two options. I think you will figure out what option I chose."

A nice touching story followed, I will not repeat it because it would be further encouraging the people who START these messages. It ended with:

"You now have 1 of 2 choices. You can either pass this on and
let other people catch the chills like you did, or you can delete
this and act like it didn't touch your heart like it did mine.
IT'S YOUR CALL! "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me."

What I hate about these sorts of messages the most is that they insinuate that you don't love God enough if you don't pass them on forever or that you are not a good person if you don't. Plus the obssessive compulsive in me WANTS to pass them on.

What if??? What if I don't pass it on and have 7 years of bad luck? (as in the superstition, if you break a mirror) Sigh.

I always wonder what sort of person would START a chain letter? They are very controlling. They seem to get some sort of weird kick or ego stroking by the thought that people are endlessly forwarding their email. Sometimes I wonder if they are not deranged. Why? Why? Why????????

1 comment:

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