Monday, May 30, 2005

I Spy

Is Junior getting a little pudgy? Is little Janie not quite so "little" these days. It could be that these "little ones" are smuggling fattening foods to school or horrors of horrors, taking their lunch money and not buying the nutritious meal you have mandated, but sugar coated and fat soaked foods.

What to do, what to do. You beg, plead, whine and moan to no avail. You advise them of the horrors of high cholesterol and the evils of excess carbohydrates. You feel like you have a handle on the situation, but do you really?

A school in Marietta Ga, has a solution. You can now moniter your child's food purchase in the lunch room online. (not a bad idea)
If you send $20 to school with Frank and it is gone in two days? He claims it was stolen, but now you can view exactly what he bought at school.

I predict kids will give money to their skinny friends or friends who do not have hypovigilant parents so that they can purchase the extra food for them. A blackmarket in lunchroom eatables. An entrepreneur could even charge the other kids to buy stuff.

Then of course, schools will have to employ moniters to watch the kids eat or set up a lunchroom moniter situation with peer moniters in little uniforms set up to watch for offenders. You could try to pay the moniters off......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi.. happy to read this blog..
Thanks for sharing..
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